Why did I start practicing Yoga?

Three years ago, I booked myself on my first ever yoga based class. I was thinking in my head that it’s not something I would enjoy much, as I was always into the hardcore exercise. When the class finished, I couldn’t believe how amazing I felt, I felt levelled with my energy, very calm and present in myself.

I loved it so much that I returned the following week and kept coming ever since and started exploring the actual yoga classes as well and I have absolutely fallen in love with it.

It has helped me mentally when I was going through a tough time, but it also helped me physically. I started understanding the importance of creating the stillness within our minds, as we live in such a fast phase world and it’s so important to slow down more than ever before.

I developed so much love for yoga that I have decided to qualify as a yoga teacher, and I am so proud to say that I am now a qualified 200 hour Yoga Teacher which is also approved by Yoga Alliance International. I have studied for the last 12 months to ensure that I learn and understand yoga and its history and philosophy too.

I really want to show everyone that yoga is for everybody, no matter how flexible or strong you are, it’s genuinely for everyone. My classes are about Nourishment and Not Punishment. For me, yoga isn’t just about fancy asanas (postures), it’s about so much more, it’s about self-discovery and connection with yourself. My yoga classes are here for you if you wish to explore the beauty of yoga and see what it can do for your mind, body, and soul.

I want my classes to be accessible to everyone if you are either starting out or wish to expand your yoga practice further. You will learn with me from the basics of asanas (postures), correct alignments, power of breath, and pranayama (breathing practices). I am here 100% to guide you through your yoga journey and be there for you every step of the way.

I want my students to step off the mat, energised, balanced, and mainly nourished through their mind, body, and soul. Don’t be afraid to try something new and see for yourself how it can perhaps change your perspective on life and on your own body.

I am teaching classes in Newbury and Thatcham, Berkshire, Hermitage Village Hall, Wasing Wellbeing, Hampshire and Westridge Studio in Highclere, Hampshire. If you are interested the first step is to get in touch and find out what may work for you, so feel free to drop me a message on hello@nourishkitchenbyv.com.

Love & Happiness,

V xx

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